
The fellow is required to complete at least one clinical or basic science research study during their one-year tenure. The goal is to complete a quality publishable project, written and submitted to peer-reviewed journal and presented at a meeting appropriate to the content of the study. The fellowship director holds the belief that science and scientific inquiry is about answering questions. We develop questions and go about finding ways to answer them. Research is often collaborative as we seek out labs that have the facilities to assist us in answering our questions.

Fellows are asked to begin the planning process for the next year’s fellows to ensure each fellowship class is involved in two research projects.

The research aspect of the fellowship program will provide the fellows with the structure and techniques to design a plan, implement a study, write a manuscript, and present at regional and national meetings.

If you would like any additional information regarding research or our alumni fellow projects, please contact our research team.

Chaoyang Chen, MD, PhD 

Andreea Geamanu, MS, PhD