Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship

Welcome and thank you for your interest in our program

Kakos-BrandonThe DMC Primary Care Sport Medicine fellowship program strives to provide a comprehensive 1 year curriculum enabling fellows to learn skills in primary care sports medicine focused on sports medicine injuries, procedures and rehabilitation in the clinical setting.

We feel this is best produced implementing a multi-specialty team of faculty and staff. Involving primary care sports faculty, orthopaedic surgeons, physical therapists, athletic trainers, radiologists and experts from our core specialties; Emergency medicine, family medicine, PM&R, pediatrics and internal medicine. With this team based approach our goal is to produce outstanding fellows who will become local and national leaders in the sports medicine field.

Additional information regarding all aspects of our program can be found by clicking on the links included on this page.  

You can also contact our staff at (313) 745-0539

E.J. Rozek, Education & Research Manager -
Brianna Berry, Program Coordinator -


Brandon Kakos, M.D.
Program Director, Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship

Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship