Spiritual Support
DMC Detroit Receiving
DMC Harper University Hospital and Hutzel Women's Hospital
- Someone to listen to you
- Open-hearted conversation about hope, gratitude, fear, connection and meaning
- A calm presence
- Prayers and blessings
- Connection to your faith and referrals to community resources
- 24-hour confidential care
- Care and support during times of illness, injury, crisis, and loss
- Rituals such as baptism, communion, blessing and anointing of the sick
- Faith community support available through staff and volunteers who are: Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jews, Muslims, and Seventh-day Adventists
- Assistance contacting a faith community, minister, priest or rabbi
- Consultation with the healthcare team
- Inspirational books and pamphlets
- Bereavement support and counseling
- Interfaith opportunities for worship, celebration, learning and reflection
- Interfaith Reflection Center
Available 24 Hours a Day
An on-call chaplain is available 24 hours a day. Call (313) 745-8040 or call the in-house pager from a house phone by dialing 122, then pager 5066 when prompted.
Contact Information
Spirtual Care Advisor: Chaplain Portia Lockett
Diversity Liason: Eide Alawan
(313) 745-4800
Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
DMC Sinai-Grace Hospital
We encourage you to request a visit by a chaplain or see our Visiting Clergy Procedures.
Patients can ask a staff member to page us at #5861 or dial 6-3452.
Outside the hospital call (313) 966-3452, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Services available for your healing and hope include:
- Someone to listen to you
- Prayer or blessing
- Loss and grief support
- Consultation on processing the teachings of your religious tradition regarding medical decisions, ethics, and matters of conscience
- Life transition rituals, such as sacraments, last rites, and memorial services
- Collaboration with local clergy to enhance patient care and provide a continuity of support beyond the hospital walls
- Patient/family referrals to local faith communities
- Referrals for long-term counseling
Also available are Bibles, Qur'ans, and other religious literature and "Comfort Closet" items such as inspirational tapes and books, as well as games and puzzles to help pass the time.
Religious Facilities:
DMC Sinai-Grace is pleased to have available three different venues to serve as quiet spaces for spiritual reflection and thoughtful solitude*:
- Muslim Prayer Rooms on the 5th floor of the Lourdes Building
- Christian Chapel on 1 Main, near the cafeteria
- Hebrew Prayer Room on 1 Main, near the cafeteria
*To respect the needs of all those using these rooms, we ask that any conversation be maintained at a low volume. The rooms are available 24 hours a day.