Physician Advantage Program

Purchase Supplies at DMC’s Cost

The Detroit Medical Center Physician Purchasing Program (DMCPP) partnered with HealthTrust’s AdvantageTrust program and Purchase Clinic technology to provide industry best pricing on medical and non-medical supplies to independent physician practices in Southeastern Michigan.

Through the DMCPP, independent physician practices gain access to the same broad portfolio of products that DMC and Tenet Healthcare use to lower costs, achieving results that positively impact the bottom line.

Becoming a member is easy.  There are no membership fees.  Simply click on and complete the information form and Participation Agreement.

If you have any questions, or to determine if the DMC/AdvantageTrust portfolio and savings are a fit for your practice, contact: Purchase Clinic – the AdvantageTrust service provider at, or by calling 1-734-636-2476.