Women and Colon Cancer
Dec 14, 2020
When it comes to colon cancer women have nearly the same risk as men. About 1 in every 25 women in the U.S. is at risk for developing cancer of the colon or rectum, and this type of cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in both men and women.
Physicians also report women can be more likely to be hesitant about talking about changes in their bowel color, stool shape or chronic diarrhea, but these are serious signs that something could be amiss within the colon or rectum.
Colon cancer risk factors for Women (same as for men):
- A personal or family history of colorectal cancer or colorectal polyps.
- Being age 50 and older
- Lack of regular physical activity
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Low intake diet of fruits and vegetables
- Low-fiber and high-fat diets
- Diets consisting of high intake of processed red meat
- Alcohol and/or tobacco use
- Chronic inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis
Knowing your family history and talking openly with a physician about colon health can lead to early diagnosis and life-saving treatment. To find a DMC physician or gastroenterologist, visit DMC.org/find-a-doctor or call 313-577-7261.