Healthy Living
8 Practical Tips for Parenting Kids with ADHD
Establish routines and stick to them.
Creating a schedule around meals, homework, playtime and bedtime can provide essential structure and reduce anxiety about what is coming next. | |
Set clear rules and expectations.
Explain how you want them to behave before you go somewhere. Put more effort into guiding your child on the right actions instead of correcting the wrong ones. | |
Use Positive Reinforcement
Compliment positive behaviors and your child’s efforts, but do not over-praise. For example, when your child waits their turn, say, “You’re taking turns so nicely.” | |
Help them stay organized.
Keep their environment neat and organized by having quiet and designated spots for your child to read, do homework and take a break from the busyness and distractions of everyday life. | |
Break tasks into smaller manageable pieces.
Large tasks can feel overwhelming for children with ADHD. Break chores, homework or projects into smaller, manageable steps. For example, try using a large wall calendar to help remind a child of their duties. | |
Create a distraction-free area during homework time.
Limit the amount of daily screen time from electronics, such as TVs, computers and mobile phones, unless needed for schoolwork. | |
Encourage physical activity.
Engaging in physical activity provides kids with ADHD a healthy outlet for burning off excess energy and helps children concentrate on targeted movements, which can reduce impulsivity. Regular exercise can also boost focus, lower the risk of depression and anxiety and positively stimulate brain function. Sports can offer children with ADHD a productive way to channel their passion, focus and energy. | |
Work closely with teachers and caregivers.Building a strong relationship with your child’s teachers and caregivers is essential. Meet regularly with teachers to find out how your child is doing and to ensure they understand your child’s needs. In addition, your child’s pediatrician can be a great resource and partner in the journey. |